December Forward favourites - Forward Ability Support

December Forward favourites

We’re back with the last instalment of our Forward Favourites for the year. Here is what we’ve been watching, listening to and reading during December.

What we’re watching:

My Disability Roadmap

This short documentary released earlier this year tells the story of Samuel Habib, a 21-year old man who lives with cerebral palsy. Samuel is determined to live his life the way he wants: going on dates, wanting to leave home and live life independently. In his journey, Samuel meets other adults living with disabilities who show him that anything is possible, creating a disability roadmap for himself and others.

“My Disability Roadmap” Full Film, Audio Described and Captioned

What we’re listening to:

Adaptdefy: Maria Rabaino – Wheelchair dancer & personal trainer

The Adaptefy podcast is hosted by New Zealand-based entrepreneur, Mike Brown. Living with paraplegia himself, Mike meets people with similar experiences and uncovers what they’ve done to adapt physically or how they’ve overcome psychological challenges. In this episode, we meet Maria Rabaino a founding member of the successful Rollettes Wheelchair Dance Team, and a certified personal trainer who creates workout videos for wheelchair users to increase their mental and physical wellbeing. Listen to her journey of recovery, challenges with mental health and fitness and success with the Rollettes.

Available on Apple Podcasts here.

Image via: Ingenium Books Publishing

What we’re reading:

Mom on Wheels by Marjorie Aunos

Meet Marjorie Aunos, researcher, professor and clinical psychologist currently living in Canada. Marjorie’s new book Mom on Wheels talks about how her perspective changed over the years since her spinal cord injury and how she’s learned to accept her disability and roll forward. It documents her journey navigating her newly sustained spinal cord injury and balancing being a single-mother to her 16-month-old son.

To read her book, visit here.

Don’t forget to send your recommendations via Instagram or Facebook so we can include your suggestions in next month!