Have your say: Review of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport - Forward Ability Support

Have your say: Review of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport

Towards the end of last year, the 2022 Review of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 discussion was publicly released for consultation. The Australian government strongly encourages those living with disability to have their say and share their experiences with public transport services around Australia. Family members, carers and advocates, public transport operators and state or territory governments are also encouraged to share their experiences to help improve the effectiveness of the current Transport Standards.

At Forward, we are committed to ensuring our community has the opportunity to have a voice to help make a difference for people living with disability in society.

What is the review?

The review assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the current Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002. These outline requirements for public transport operators and providers to provide adequate accessible services for people with disability and help remove discrimination. For example, this could be reviewing the ease of requesting a ramp to get on a train or other requirements.

A review is held every 5 years which aims to:

  • report on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Transport Standards
  • report on whether discrimination has been removed as far as possible
  • include any necessary amendments to the Transport Standards.

How can I have my say?

  • by uploading a submission at the Have Your Say webpage
  • in writing, by video or by sending an audio recording to DisabilityTransport@infrastructure.gov.au
  • participating in an online public consultation event in early-2023

Here are a few questions to consider when forming your response:

  • Can you use public transport when you need to?
  • What happens when there are disruptions to the service? Are the changes accessible?
  • Are there barriers stopping you from doing what you need to or want to?
  • What is your usual journey like? From where you wait to when you board?
  • What do you have to consider when planning a journey that includes public transport?
  • How can we make the standards better?

Your feedback will develop a review report and where required, changes to improve will be implemented. The public consultation period is open until the 30th of June 2023.

For more information, visit here.