We’re back this month with another edition of our Forward Favourites. This month we look into the NDIS, SCI Care and the positive impact of Victoria’s wheelchair football community.
What we’re watching:
ABC’s interview with Bill Shorten, Minister for the NDIS and Government Services
In this interview ABC journalist David Speers quizzes the newly appointed Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten, on how the Labor government plans to manage the scheme moving forward. As one of the original proponents and designers of the NDIS, Bill Shorten discusses the strengths and challenges that the NDIS has faced in the past couple of years from fund reduction, criminal behaviour and wasted money on legal fees. In this insightful interview, Bill Shorten highlights “bringing people with a disability back to the table” and how he aims to improve the way the NDIS operates for both participants and workers.
Image source: SCI Care: What Really Matters podcast
What we’re listening to:
SCI Care: What Really Matters podcast
This podcast series is created by the International Spinal Cord Injury Society (ISCoS). Each episode brings together experts in spinal cord injury research and care to discuss topics related to SCI care and people with SCI managing their everyday lives. This includes discussions on etiology, prevention and care, providing valuable insights regarding the most up-to-date information for those providing care for the spinal cord injured. The most recent episode discusses how to navigate the SCI journey from childhood to independent adulthood.
Listen to the episode on:
Image source: How Wheelchair Football is changes lives (and attitudes)
What we’re reading:
How Wheelchair Football is changes lives (and attitudes)
This month, we loved this article in the Daily Telegraph following the story of Ben Jankovski, the captain of the Collingwood Wheelchair Football Club. After breaking his C7 vertebrae in a serious car accident in 2017, Ben had undergone extensive rehab, relearning how to eat and talk, and adapting to life as a wheelchair user.
As a footy lover, Ben highlights the physical and mental challenges he faced in deciding to go back into the world of footy. An AFL fan “since birth”, Ben said learning to play sport in a wheelchair was “challenging” but it was something he knew he wanted to do as he wanted sport to be part of his future.
Now, after the disruption of Covid, Ben is hoping wheelchair football can get a higher profile with partnerships with the Collingwood Football Club and Coles providing practical support and donations.
Don’t forget to send your recommendations via Instagram or Facebook so we can include your suggestions in next month!