May Forward favourites - Forward Ability Support

May Forward favourites

Welcome to our May favourites, where we share what we’ve been watching, listening to and reading over the past month with the hope that it will inspire you to engage and connect.

What we’re watching:

What Does Australia Really Think about Disability?

This month, we watched the SBS documentary hosted by Australian Paralympian, Kurt Fearnley,”What Does Australia Really Think about Disability?” This insightful documentary uncovers community perspectives on disability in Australia. Kurt argues in the documentary that people with a disability are not disabled by their bodies but rather by society. Kurt “hope[s] that when somebody watches this, the dream would be for them to look around at their own environment right now, and ask, is disability represented in my workplace? In my kids’ school? Is it represented in my local sporting club? 20 percent of the population are out there with disabilities wanting to be a part of the community. Why aren’t they in yours?”

Watch now on SBS on Demand.

Image source: Mike and Matt podcast

What we’re listening to:

Dr Matt and Dr Mike’s Medical Podcast episode on Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) with Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM

This episode dives into the science behind spinal cord injury and what happens medically when the spine is injured. Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM, joins Dr Matt Barton and Dr Mike Todorovic as only the second person to graduate medical school with quadriplegia in Australia to discuss his story and experience of living and working with SCI. Both, Dr Matt and Dr Mike are Senior Lecturers of Anatomy and Physiology at Queensland’s Griffith University. If you’re interested in the science behind a spinal cord injury, then this is the podcast episode for you!

Available on:

Image source: Sarah’s story

What we’re reading:

One day at a time: Sarah’s story of spinal cord injury

Content warning: Contains gender and body dysphoria

In this article, Sarah Wise reflects on what she’s learned living with a spinal cord injury and how she’s adapted to the changes in her everyday life. After a serious fall in 2019 when she was overseas in London, Sarah’s life changed forever. Her injury was a C3 incomplete spinal cord injury, meaning Sarah was lucky enough to retain some movement and sensation. Sarah had to relearn all the things that had been second nature to her – starting with moving her toes, which was huge and exciting – and adapt to the changes to her body. When it comes to spinal cord injury, Sarah came to understand that a total recovery is rarely possible and celebrates the little wins each day. Read the complete article here.

What are you watching, reading or listening to this month? Let us know on Facebook or Instagram.