This month, we’re highlighting some of the research done by our friends over at SpinalCure Australia. Committed to making a cure for spinal cord injury, SpinalCure is Australia’s premier national operating NFP research centre.
SpinalCure are at an exciting point with their research in Australia, with their landmark eWalk trial beginning. Here’s an overview of their progress in research.
1. eWalk Neurostimulation trial
The researchers at SpinalCure believe neurostimulation holds the most promise out of current research to bring tangible improvement to people with spinal cord injury in the near future. They explain that neurostimulation is like a hearing aid for the spinal cord. It aims to harness to positive effects of neuroplasticity.
2. Reducing injury damage in the early stages
SpinalCure have helped develop an anti-inflammatory drug treatment for newly injured people. This drug is currently being tested by the University of Queensland and the results of which will be published later this year.
3. Reconnecting the brain and the body through nerve regrowth could soon be possible.
SpinalCure have been able to isolate EphA4 – a protein that prevents neurons from regrowing across the injury site. Researchers have created a molecule that counteracts EphA4 and is now in a Stage 1 safety trial.
4. Intensive rehabilitation and exercise is an essential adjunct to cure-related treatments.
SpinalCure is supporting a clinical trial that is using robotics and video games to improve the amount and quality of exercise therapy people receive. Their aim is to use robotics to improve outcomes in the arm and hand function for people with SCI, particularly tetraplegics.
If you want to read more about the great progress SpinalCure are making, head over to their website.