Membership | Become a Member at Forward Ability Support


Why become a member?

Access the PBS through Forward – having paraplegia and quadriplegia affects many aspects of a person’s life, including the management of bowel functions. Part of the benefits of becoming a Forward member allows you to access a special program under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for bowel care medicines (enemas and aperients). This program permits members to access certain enemas and aperients (to a maximum monthly allocation), and the costs of these products are covered by the Australian Government. Additional products may also need to be purchased, and can be done so outside of this program.

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Ordinary member

($20 per year)

For people living with spinal cord injury or a related disability. Ordinary members have voting rights and access to all services and membership benefits.


  • Receive monthly newsletters
  • Free BrightSky product demonstrations
  • Free workshops
  • PBS funded bowel preparations (i.e. no product cost) for those members with paraplegia or quadriplegia
  • Apply for a Scholarship to assist with the cost of study, internships, career planning and counselling or gaining further skills for employment and life

Supporting member

($15 per year)

For people who have an interest in spinal cord injury. Supporting members do not have voting rights but can access most services and membership benefits.


  • Receive monthly newsletters
  • Free BrightSky product demonstrations
  • Free workshops

Become a Forward member

Our Annual General Meeting is held in November each year and all members are sent an invitation to attend.

You may download a new Membership form here.

If you require a Membership Renewal form, click here.

For all membership enquiries

Please call our dedicated membership line.