Thinking of upskilling in a particular area – we’re here to help!
Here at ParaQuad NSW, we’re committed to supporting the career and life goals of people with spinal cord injury (SCI) and related neurological disabilities.
One of the ways we do this is to offer Scholarships to assist ParaQuad members engage in education and other programs and initiatives that enhance employability, life skills and meaningful community engagement.
We wholeheartedly believe that this leads to greater independence and quality of life.
Our 2022 scholarship applications open on October 11th
Ensure you stay up to date on important dates like this by following us on Facebook and Instagram to ensure you don’t miss a beat.
We’re proud to share the stories of some of our past scholarship winners:
‘When I was only 27, after the birth of my second child, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. MS is not common in Egypt, where I come from, and at the time, I felt that my life was destroyed by this disease, and I fell into a deep depression. I was a vet doctor in Egypt, but it was hard to continue with that field, so I changed my career to medical science and was accepted into Western Sydney University in 2019.
My life was a little bit harder than any student, but I wanted to make my life better and pass all my units with good grades. My ParaQuad scholarship helps me continue my studies into my third year of university. I want to thank ParaQuad for helping people move on with their life because I think that everyone has the right to achieve their goal in this life.’
‘ParaQuad has been incredibly supportive throughout the past three years. It is thanks to them I have been able to stay on top of my studies and have the tools to succeed in my International Business major. It has helped me go a long way in developing my career in Marketing, leading to a full-time job offer this year once I graduate. My deepest thanks to ParaQuad NSW for the opportunity.’
‘I am currently completing a PhD with Western Sydney University in which I’m exploring the transition of young people with SCI from the paediatric to adult healthcare setting. I will be using my scholarship funds to update my assistive technology so that I can conduct my interviews, workshops and focus groups online and write up my thesis and articles a little easier’
‘I was excited to be chosen by ParaQuad to receive a scholarship as the funds will help me to work directly with young people with SCI to address the gaps in service provision when it comes to transitioning healthcare settings. Hopefully, we will be able to work together to co-design a tool, resource or program that will most suitably address their needs.’
‘My scholarship is going towards my Bachelor of Business and Law. This double degree is one of the most expensive courses that UTS offers, so I was hesitant when deciding to go ahead with the course. However, thanks to this scholarship, studying a Bachelor of Business and Law has become a lot more accessible, enabling me to maximise my potential and get the best possible job.’
‘My ParaQuad scholarship has relieved a lot of pressure off my shoulders; It has enabled me to confidently engage myself in the course and focus more on my studies rather than thinking about the cost.’
‘After receiving this generous ParaQuad scholarship, I will have the ability to purchase items which will increase my efficiency and productivity with my studies.
‘Since the majority of my studies are conducted online, I felt the need to upgrade from using a laptop to using a desktop which is way more ergonomic, especially considering the facts that I spend many hours studying every week, as well as the importance of maintaining a straight posture for someone who has a spinal cord injury and multiple fractured vertebrae.’
A few months ago, we profiled another one of our scholarship winners, Scott. Check out his article here.
Find out more about how to apply on our website.