ParaQuad’s Telehealth - Quick and convenient - Forward Ability Support

ParaQuad’s Telehealth – Quick and convenient

Last year saw an unprecedented rise in medical consultations over virtual platforms, also known as Telehealth. Increasingly, health services have embraced Telehealth as a standard way to conduct appointments without requiring face to face consultations. Kylie Wicks, General Manager of Clinical Services, says that while face-to-face consultations will always have a place, Telehealth appointments are here to stay.

What are your ambitions for ParaQuad’s Telehealth?

I believe Telehealth has excellent potential for the future and particularly for those who have difficulty travelling. For example, those living in regional areas or anyone whose access to clinics is limited. Our participants can get the same service, advice, and care without having to leave their home.

I see ParaQuad’s Telehealth as an option that will work in tandem with face-to-face consultations, providing our participants with the most comprehensive care possible.

What are the benefits of Telehealth, and what makes Telehealth at ParaQuad unique?

A great aspect of ParaQuad’s Telehealth is that you can invite up to four other providers into the meeting at a time. Besides inviting other specialists, Telehealth is fantastic for family members or other clinicians to attend these appointments. It’s often challenging to coordinate several people to go to the same location together. Whereas, with Telehealth, it’s a lot easier; we can coordinate a half an hour spot and call everyone in together.

Another key benefit is the ability to follow up with a participant after an assessment. A typical consultation can take up to six hours, including report writing and travel. Whereas a virtual follow up, where we go over resources and questions, may only take an hour. This ultimately saves you time and money. We also find participants are often more comfortable being more open when they’re in their worn home. Telehealth is more convenient for our participants, but it also allows us to be more responsive to people, and that’s a significant advantage.

The quality of staff at ParaQuad is unique due to the experience of our clinicians, as is the add-on of our integrated relationship with BrightSky. We can discuss the products that will support the care and treatment within the service, and this also sets us apart from other alternatives; our service & products are all in one place for the participant.

Key benefits of Telehealth

  • You are able to maintain access and continuity during COVID-19.
  • The appointments are convenient and cost-effective.
  • You’re able to join appointments from the comfort of your home.
  • You can invite other specialists or family members to your appointments.
  • The convenience allows for more frequent appointments.
  • Every meeting is safe and secure. We teamed up with GPNow to guarantee a secure platform for all your Telehealth appointments.

Can you talk us through ParaQuad’s Telehealth and the range of appointments that can be covered?

Telehealth has become vital in our practice here at ParaQuad. You can receive many of our services, from initial nursing consultants to follow-ups with your occupational therapist (OT).

It is particularly important for follow-up appointments, especially to wound care and monitoring wound care progression, to determine if additional care or support is needed. Nothing beats visiting someone in their own home, but do I think we have to visit them there all the time? No, I don’t believe we do. It’s about what’s most convenient for the participant.

The staff at ParaQuad care about what we do, and we take pride in our contribution to those living with SCI and other related injuries every day. We’re proud of the work that we’re doing and the support we’re providing our members and the community.

What you need to set up a Telehealth appointment.

  1. Set up an appointment through our standard referral process. Call: 02 8741 5689 or email:
  2. We find the right clinician for the right participant and confirm days and time.
  3. We then work through all the funding.
  4. When it comes time for your appointment, you simply click through to your Telehealth service through the website: